Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 77 Self Satisfaction

There are so many things that are done each day for which no one receives rewards are prizes. Many tasks like laundry, dishes, picking up, dusting, vacuuming, are many of the mundane tasks that aren't noticed or rewarded. Today I asked Austin if he knew how to work, at the time we were weeding the flower bed, and he said yes. Of course he was having a hard time doing the weeding or sticking to it for more than five minutes. In my mind I was thinking of the paper route I did everyday after school rain or shine, sick or well, homework or no homework, the papers were delivered. There was no getting out of it. I'm perplexed about how to teach that to my children. After we finished one of the flower beds and the boys had to get ready for the multi stake youth mini conference I was happy with the results of the efforts we had put into the now weed free flower bed. I asked Austin and Willy how they felt about how it looked they shrugged their shoulders and said it was OK or fine. There wasn't that feeling of self satisfaction I had felt. I thought about how that feeling isn't there and how work is suppose to build the self esteem. Sometimes when we are trying to work together and they are grumbling and don't want to do it, I wonder if the instant rewards they get takes away that feeling of personal satisfaction of a job well done. Well, I like rewards that I have worked for like my 10% key chain and my 25 lb reward from weight watchers. But the personal satisfaction is far more important then the reward. But my question is how do I help teach these two things how to work hard over a period of time and that the reward is in a job well done.

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