Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Our year of change: The Rally Cry

"Inch by inch we will get the goal" "We will fight on the beaches, in the trees, on the streets" There are many famous rally cries. Leaders of nations, sports teams, corporations, churches have rally cries to motivate, and inspire action. Last night for family home evening we talked about a few and decided we needed a rally cry based on our mission statement. Rally cries only last a little while for some it is for a game season, or just a game, for some it lasts for a war, or for a time of crisis. Some of the big Rally cries from prophets of the church have been "Do It", "Every member a Missionary" and "Temple Work". Rally cries change as progress or circumstances change. So we developed our own family rally cry to get us back on track and move us forward to motivate us to change.

Our Rally cry:
Through making Daily scripture study fun we improve family unity and develop patience and kindness.

Length of time 10 weeks

10 min of personal study daily

10 min of family study daily

After the rally cry is over the daily scripture study does not end it continues. The rally is to help us make the action a habit. Our actions toward our rally cry will be measured using a red yellow and green stop light. Next week at family home evening we will introduce the kids to Red Light Green light. After our 10 weeks of practice we will evaluate the habit to see if it is sticking. If it is we will then choose another rally cry to motivate us to action around another area of our mission statement.

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