Sunday, January 9, 2011

Building fires, enjoying family

Sunday after all the meetings of the day, after church, after all of the responsibilities of callings and dinner, we love to sit by the fire and enjoy just being together. Austin and Willy build the fire just like their mom has taught them because they know if they do it that way it will work. Not to brag or anything, I am the best fire builder. Now they can do it without my help. There is something about staring at the fire that is calming and relaxing. It just feels good to feel the heat of the fire and having everyone around. Sometimes we watch a movie. Sometimes we have gospel discussions. Sometimes we are all in the same room doing different things. Sometimes it's just for a short while other times it's a long while. But for me that gathering at the fireside is about family, about love about togetherness. It's about being a family enjoying each other for just a little while before another hectic week begins.

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