Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Dishwasher and Baby teeth

Happy Days! Happy Days!!! All other plans were down shifted when Willy listen to my voice mails and one said my dishwasher was in and that we could pick it up. Austin volunteered to wash the dishes first even before they left for the store. I doubt that will continue for very long but that attitude would be nice even for a short time. Bill installed it with only one trip to Home Depot for a corner pipe to connect the fresh water to the dishwasher. I now can have some of my time back after breakfast. In theory it should take less time for the kids to do dinner dishes. I can't wait to test out my theory over the next weeks. Yipee Yipee

Austin is eleven years old and today he lost another baby tooth. He still has several to lose. Seems weird but he's always been a little slow. Kind of like a turtle, slow and steady wins the race. Not sure if the tooth fairy will come for him, he's probably on the too old list. You just have to love to see how small baby teeth are so cute!

1 comment:

Carol said...

After growing up with a dishwasher and not having one for so long, I thought I would hate having one, but when we moved a little over 3 years ago to where we had one, I couldn't believe I ever lived withour one before. They must be from God for busy mothers.