Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 58 Crazy Moments

The way most week days end are with an argument over who is going to make lunches. But today making lunches turned into major laughing. I'm not sure why but sandwiches with miracle whip and ham were silly. It was nice after an eventful day to hear laughter!
I had a few crazy moments.
  1. I sat in the hot tub after my water class. ( It's kind of hard to get into)
  2. My friend Pam gave me a pearl necklace and I wore it shopping.
  3. I locked my keys in the car and Bill rescued me at Costco.
  4. I started running (not very fast and not very far) but I did start and I will get better.

Bill gave a great FHE on the new social media the church has and how we can contribute to it. We watched some videos that made us cry. It was awesome!

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