Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 38 Order and Disarray in one Day

Tuesdays are always hectic but fun. The more kids you add to the mix the more hectic and the more fun. Here all the kids are seated around the kitchen table doing homework. Somehow they can all think, talk, listen to music and do homework all at the same time. That is totally amazing to my one track mind. At times it feels so crazy but to them it works so I find other things to do like going out and seeing the order of nature.

While I was out earlier in the day I was noticing the order of spring. First the purple crocus then the yellow and white. The daffodils are up about 4 inches and the tulips are next. Every year it happens in the same order. The buds are on the magnolia bush. The season is early but the order is the same. Like the order of the sunrise in the east and the sunset in the west. This evening the moon came up from the east the way it does every night. It was just so beautiful!

Willy and Hansen came outside too. Not to enjoy the order and the quiet but to have a rowdy game of basketball. Which Willy claims he won.

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