Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hiking with the 11 year olds

This post is from Bill. Today I went with the 11 year old scouts to provide a second 'adult' so the hike could go on. The intent was to hike about 12 miles but I'm sure with a couple of side loops we added at least 1 and maybe 2 miles. I was really struggling up the last long hill to the car but it was a great time. Aaron Gregory is such a cool guy and the boys really did a fine job.

They were all very brave and felt a sense of accomplishment after the hike. One was even pressing for a 5 miler next week.

Here are a couple of shots from the view in the morning, before we got muddy and tired. The temp today was beautiful and the trails were busy with runners, hikers and dog walkers. It was great!
This is the view we had as we came down to the last mile. The white builting in the distance is our target and this hill persists from when we cross the road below almost all the way to the parking lot.

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