Friday, April 29, 2011
Princess Lydia
Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday Last Day of Spring Break
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Reflections
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Out With the Old In With the New
It's been a hard choice to make but we finally made it. A while back we paid off our Suburban. That big black rig that Bill loved to drive and I hated. We had to say good bye. It still ran but we hated to put in a few thousand to get it to pass inspections again. Slow start getting out of the gate, broken door latch ( Had to roll down the window and open the door from the outside), needed new tires. The back window leaked every time it rained, and the list could go on and on. So we decided to purchase a much more gas efficient used vehicle to replace it. We looked at a few hybrids more than we wanted to spend, so Bill and Willy decided on this little Chevy Aveo. It's a cute little commuter car for Bill. We will probably let the kids have it after a few years, and have Bill get the car of his dreams. Oh yea the kids will have to learn to drive stick so it may take a while for them to learn the tricks of changing gears. It was amazing after all the years of not driving stick it came back to me without any hitches.
I hope our new car will be a great long driving car.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Spring Break Swimming
It's Friday and we have really enjoyed having this spring break. We wanted to do something different today so for fun we decided to go swimming at the Freedom Center. The kids had a blast playing and practicing for swimming lessons. I think I'll be brave the next time we go swimming and put on my suit and go for the exercise. Austin loved the slide. Lydia loved jumping into the pool and having Emily catch her. Willy loved being noticed by pretty girls for his big muscles. Emily loved playing with Lydia. Fun time for all of us. However, Jessica stayed home and studied for her AP exam and then went babysitting, so I'm not sure she had fun, but she did earn a little cash.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Lydia's Birthday!!!
Lydia is special in so many ways but here are the Six Ways for six years of life.
1. Lydia Loves School! She is learning to read. We rarely miss a week night reading at bed time. I started the year reading the stories now she reads to me. She loves to write the alphabet all over the dry erase board in the seminary room and wants everyone to spell words to her so she can write them. She also writes our phone number everywhere so she can remember it. She shares the same birth date as her teacher Mrs. Albarado.
2. Lydia likes new things. Swimming, school, riding the bus, reading, writing, dancing, singing, art, shoes, clothes, hair ribbons, hats, flowers and friends.
3. Lydia is happy and brings joy to others. Each day as she returns from school I look forward to refilling my heart. Her eyes are happy she has something to share and she makes me so glad to be her mother.
4. Lydia loves to notice the world around her. Each day would be incomplete without our daily stop at the neighbors flower beds to see the changes in the flowers. The little purple flowers came out first this spring, then the Daffodils. "Mom look at the new red ones today." "Mom what kind are these?" "Oh look at those." She sees the beauty in nature and it fills her with joy.
5. Lydia is fun and funny, she has a sense of humor that is hard to explain but easily understood. She knows how to say something funny and she knows when others are being funny. She still likes the "happy toys". But she really likes to do whatever her big brothers and sisters are doing! She is great!
6. Lydia is very adaptable. It's neat to see that her adaptablity helps her to get what she wants. She knows when to act like a small child to get the candy she wants. And she knows how to act like a teenage girl to get her sisters to take her somewhere. And she knows how to act correctly in all types of situations. She's adaptable.
That's Lydia!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Wednesday Spring Break Day 5
When Bill came home we had a great time eating at Tony's Pizza. We sat at this huge round table. I think it could hold 12 people. the kids thought a round table in the breakfast nook would be great because we wouldn't have benches and everyone would have their own chair. We talked about everything and nothing. But it was never quiet. We talked about the weather what kind of pizza is best, Lydia's birthday and the people who sat in the booths around us. I love the fights over the mushrooms, and the Parmesan cheese and who gets the last piece. It's life and it's beautiful when your with the ones you love.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Tuesday Spring Break Day 4
Monday, April 18, 2011
Monday Spring Break Day 3
We enjoyed having Bill home in the afternoon so we decided to take a trip to Leeslyvania state park in Woodbridge. This park has a great history. It is located on the Virginia side of the Potomac river. In the 1930s it had a sandy mile long beach, a faris wheel and other rides, and a huge gambling boat that would dock. Now it is a state park with fishing, walking trails, and of course happy toys. (This is where we had a picnic with Bill and Caryl in December and we played football and Lydia played on the swings.) It was a fun afternoon and evening playing and spending time talking.
At times when we are having such a great time I want so much to grab the moment and hang onto it forever. I want to always see the joy in their eyes as they swing up and down. As they go around and around on the merry-go-round, and as they find seashells and skip rocks. I want to grasp and never let go of the feelings as I see all of the children walking along the shoreline. Some stop to skip rocks, others to find shells, others run ahead onto the fishing dock. Each happy, each talking with another and leading them to another discovery. Bill and I watching taking it all in and then we join and we walk along the beach all together noticing the birds and the blossoming trees and laughter and the joy of being us, a family. Me wanting none of this to change. What a wonderful feeling just being us doing our own thing. It filled my spirit with love, hope, joy and gratitude.