Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Willy

Willy turned fifteen years old.  Here is one awesome thing about Willy for every year he has graced us with his presence

  1. Willy has a great sense of humor that keeps us laughing!
  2. We can still call him Willy Ward Boy. After all this started when he was 3 and he wanted people to know that he wasn't the same as his sisters.  
  3. Willy is tough but still lets his Dad win because he knows  "not to let a moment of bravery ruin the rest of his life".
  4. Willy is kind to those that need someone in their corner.  He's big like a bully a little over 6 feet tall, but cuddly like a teddy bear. He likes to give a smile to those who need one.
  5. Willy takes serious what needs to be taken serious but knows when a laugh can help lighten the mood.
  6. Willy is serious about his priesthood responsibilities.  He likes to be counted on to do what he is asked to do even if he may be the only one able to do it. 
  7. Willy has a lot of friends and is a good example to them. 
  8. Willy knows how important it is to do well in school, as a freshman he is taking his academics very seriously.  
  9. Willy is self motivated.  Almost every morning Willy has set his alarm and gotten up on his own so that he can make it to seminary by 6:00 each school day.  He loves learning the New Testament from Bother Ellsworth and the rest of the class.
  10. Willy likes to be involved in his school.  He's been working with a freshman committee and is going to be a cheerleader at the powder puff football game.
  11. Willy likes to do service!  I know he wants to learn to drive so he will soon be doing his Eagle service project!  He has been very involved with doing service for widows in our ward.
  12. Willy is open to new ideas and rules even when they may seem unfair or directed towards him.  Thanks for complying to our new internet safety rules even when it wasn't easy nor something you wanted to do.
  13. Willy is helpful!  Thanks so much for being so willing to step in and make dinner, grill, do dishes, laundry and such!   You'll thank me someday when you are on a mission  and you know how to take care of yourself!
  14. Willy understands and lives the standards of the gospel even when it's hard!  This gives him character and values that he needs to stand strong even if he stands alone.
  15. Willy  Loves and is Loved by his family and others.  
  It's great to have Willy as a son.  I am grateful that he came to me as a tiny long legged infant, who became part of my heart before he even entered this world.  Here's to many more wonderful years!

1 comment:

Willy Ward said...

Thanks for writing this about me, love you!