Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our Graduation Gift

For Graduation

For Graduation we wanted to give you a car,

but instead we give you the opportunity to earn one yourself.

For Graduation we wanted to give you a camera,

But instead we give you a view into your life how it has been,

and an opportunity to capture your life's dreams.

For Graduation we wanted to give you a big party,

But instead we made memories together as a family.

For Graduation we wanted to send you on a trip,

But instead we are sending you away for more education,

a journey that will never end.

So for Graduation we give the memories, the lessons, the advice, and the help

of proud parents, who see that the future is the gift.

With Love, Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Carol said...

Congratulations go out to Jessica! Wow! Seminary, High School. You truly are amazing and what an awesome opportunity to have your dad teach you in seminary. I loved the great words of wisdom on this post?