Saturday, December 31, 2011
Hike #1
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Leaves Leaves and More Leaves
Monday, December 12, 2011
Christmas letter
Love the Bill and Lauril Ward Family
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Christmas Decorations
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
So Much Happened So Little Written
We love having visitors from Idaho and especially loved meeting Grandma and Grandpa Ward in upstate New York. It was so awesome to go as a family and go to the Hill Cumorah Pageant together. We loved the costumes, the fires, the waterfalls and the story of the Book of Mormon. It was spectacular. The stage was amazing! and of course the back drop is the hill cumorah! It was a beautiful evening. It was great to hear from grandpa that when he was a missionary in New York he was in the pageant. We loved the pageant each of the kids told us that they liked the Nauvoo pageant the best. It's interesting what they remember.
We spent the night in a little campground. The kids and Bill slept in the tent and I stayed in the motor home with grandma and grandpa. (We haven't camped this summer so the kids loved it.) The kids couldn't pass up the swimming pool in the campground so they went swimming while we took down the tent and cleaned up camp. We enjoyed the peacefulness of the sacred grove with the children. I sat with Lydia on a bench and talked about the first vision and as we talked you could tell she understood and she felt the spirit. It was so beautiful. We walked around for a good while. It was amazing with all the people that we in the sacred grove that it was reverent and quiet. The sun was beautiful coming through the trees. We noticed that change in behavior as we left the grove and looked through the homes and other buildings on the Smith farm. We had a pizza lunch in Palmyra. We visited the David Whitmer farm where the church was created and looked at the Martin Harris home.
We loved having grandma and Grandpa stay with us over the the next week. Bill took the time off of work so we enjoyed being together for the week. WE had record breaking heat and humidity so we stayed home or did indoor activities. But we loved being together and enjoyed some great food. We went bowling,to the movies, out to eat, and of course to the 150 anniversary of the civil war parade. I loved watching the kids interact with their grandparents. Lydia always wanted to play games or would climb up on grandpas lap and fall asleep. I love the feeling of the kids reconnecting with family. Still after five years I miss connecting with family. I miss the kids playing with cousins and uncles and aunts. So hanging out with family is so wonderful. I enjoyed it so much when Ibraham and Jason had lunch with us and Dad and Mom thought Emily had great friends. We our so glad that Grandma and Grandpa came for visit!!!
Well, along with all the good also comes the opposition in all things part. Along with blessing there must be trials. It's strange how that always goes hand in hand. For the most part in our life it has been a trial in the area of finance. Last year we worked so hard to get out of debt and we had paid off so much we thought we saw the light at the end of the tunnel but then you have.....
- Inspection sticker renewal. I call that sticker my thousand dollar sticker. no matter what the repairs to get that sticker always cost me that much. So yes again it cost me that much . Plus the cost of a ticket having got pulled over at a checkpoint on the 4th of July. Sticker expired the last day of June. Replaced the suburban earlier in the year with a little Aveo because the Suburban wouldn't pass inspection without major expensive repairs. Double Ouch
- Hard drive on computer melted. Lost all pictures taken over the last 5 years or more, including all the pictures from last years trip to Nauvoo, Kirtland, Burley, Boise, and Utah. I have cried all ready about this so no new tears now! This also includes any pictures at sites around here. We thought we were backing everything up off the hard drive each month but evidently we were only backing up our business stuff. Had to buy a new computer. Double Ouch memory wise and money wise.
- Appliance breakdown! This time the washing machine is dead! Bill prolonged the buying of this appliance by replacing a power switch but Monday I smelled the smell of motor burn out. No way to save that. So its either spending a lot of time at the laundry mat or buying a new washing machine. I opted for the later so a new machine will be delivered next Tuesday. ouch ouch ouch. We have already replaced a dishwasher and a dryer this year.
We have so much and our so blessed that even if we have to use some of our credit we are grateful that our family is healthy and strong. We are so blessed by good friends and by opportunities to serve. Love life and and all the curve balls it gives us!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
My Adventure with Lydia, a Few Props and My Camera!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Ward Wonderings
Our first week of summer vacation was very eventful. Emily went to girls camp. She had the opportunity to be a youth camp leader this year so beginning in January she has been preparing for this week. She had so many things to bring it was amazing it didn't just take one car for her. The theme for camp was BELIEVE, and was centered around Christ beginning with his birth. So Christmas lights and decorations. She loved all of camp, she was so totally exhausted when she came home but so enjoyed the hard work and fun of leading a group of first years.