Dear Family and Friends,
I just wanted to share with you numerous events that happened this year!
3 days Bill and Lauril spent together in Adamstown Pennsylvania celebrating our 21st wedding Anniversary. Loved the Amish buggy ride and Intercourse Pennsylvania.
114 days of adventure at BYUI. Jessy loves the life of a college student. She is majoring in Chemistry. Loves her roommates and her Independence. She Loves photography!
10 days of visiting Idaho. Lauril had a wonderful time taking Jessy to college and visiting with family. Bill had the adventure of helping the children through the first week of school.
6 The number of times Bill will conduct Sacrament Meeting this year. Bill is the second councilor in the Bishopric and wonders if he can conduct electricity.
180 The number of nights Emily will stay up late doing homework! Emily is a great student with 3.75 GPA. She won't quit until the homework is done. Even though senioritis has set in and she has early morning seminary.
134 school days left in the school year! Emily graduates and moves on to college. She has her heart set on Architecture as a major. But the university is still undetermined. Loves the idea of Virginia Tech.
6+1= Six calls and 1 parent teacher conference for Willy from one math teacher. Just saying ..... Talk Talk Talk!
18 gallons of paint to paint the kitchen, family room, and four bedrooms. Love the way they look!
3 The number of times Austin will pass the sacrament this year. Austin turned twelve and received the Aaronic Priesthood. We are so proud of Austin and his determination to keep the commandments and read the scriptures.
133 Books Lydia has read since the beginning of the school year! Lydia is a great reader and won't go to bed until she has read. First grade is so much fun and reading is the best!
19 The number of nights Willy, Austin or Emily were gone over night on a church camp. The kids have had their eyes opened with the adventures of camping. Their testimonies have been strengthened and their lives have been enriched by new experiences and great leaders.
14 Years old Willy can now go to dances and youth conference! Willy is now six feet tall, handsome and funny. He played Joseph in our ward Christmas program. Willy stands up for what is right and is glad to be a teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood.
1st Time to see the Hill Comorrah Pageant and the Sacred Grove. We loved meeting grandma and grandpa Ward and going together to see these wonderful church history sites where we felt the spirit confirm again of the visitation of the Father and the Son to Joseph Smith.
Love the Bill and Lauril Ward Family
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